Heat Pump | Working, Coefficient of Performance [Briefly Explained]

By | February 12, 2019

What is a Heat Pump?

Heat pump is a device working in a cyclic process such that it transfers heat from low temperature to high temperature and absorbs work from the surrounding.

Below diagram shows working of a heat pump

Heat Pump


Th: Temperature of source

Tc: Temperature of sink

Qh: Heat rejected by the heat pump

Qc: Heat extracted by the heat pump

W: Work input to the heat pump

Given: Th > Tc

Coefficient of performance (COP)

Coefficient of performance (COP) is the ratio of desired effect (either heating or cooling) to the work input.

Since a heat pump is used for both cooling and cooling purpose hence it has two COPs.

COPHeating = (Qc+ W)/ W

COPCooling = Qc/ W

Clausius statement of second law

It is impossible to construct a device which, operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter body.

If we analyze heat engine and heat pump together then we will find two very important results regarding the inter-conversion of heat and work.

  1. Even in the ideal case all the heat can never be converted fully into the work
  2. Work can be fully converted to heat

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